阿宾顿 student government vice president lauded for responsible leadership


Senior Megan 关闭 was hailed for her strong leadership abilities, 对角色的投入, and willingness to learn and refine her skills.


阿宾顿,爸爸. — 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 高年级学生梅根·克洛斯, Student Government Association (SGA) vice president, received Penn State’s Ralph Dorn Hetzel Memorial Award, which recognizes outstanding undergraduates who have demonstrated responsible leadership and show promise of public-spirited achievement in the future.

贝丝布拉德利, associate director of Student Affairs and director of 学生参与及领导能力 at 阿宾顿, praised 关闭 for her ability to raise concerns about student issues and advocate for solutions. 

“Megan is deeply respected by faculty, staff and her peers. They look to her to assist with difficult decisions and rely on her for her transparency as a leader, her strong communication and relationship building skills, and her ability to follow through on projects and programs. She continues to forge new ways to collaborate and support our student body,” said Bradley.

“梅根的领导能力很强, 对角色的投入, and willingness to learn and refine her skills is evident. 她工作努力, 具有创造性和包容性, 并优雅地服务于她的社区, 谦逊和创造力,布拉德利继续说.

“Choosing 阿宾顿 as my college was probably the best thing I've ever done for my career. ... I have a greater appreciation for so many things, 我觉得我可以把它应用到生活中.”


关闭表示接近3,500 undergraduates to the 阿宾顿 faculty and administration as a student government officer.

“作为副总统, one of the big things is being at the side of the president to help him with what he needs to get done. I aid him in advocating for the general population of students for their wants and needs,”她说。.

关闭, 艾略特·科普兰, SGA总统, met as student senators last year and decided to run as a team since their goals for 阿宾顿 aligned.

“我们的平台是负担得起的教育. I can relate to this because I needed a scholarship to attend 阿宾顿. Without it, I probably wouldn’t be here today. 财务就是这样的负担. Everybody should have access to affordable education including through the expansion of open educational resources,”她说。. 

关闭 works with presidents of clubs and organizations on campus to see that the groups are running efficiently and effectively. 

“在社长与俱乐部的会议上, 我们谈论他们取得了什么成就, 如何改善学生的校园生活, 促进机会. The vice president also oversees the academic affairs, 政府事务, 以及学生事务主管. We talk once a week about business that has been conducted and how can they meet their goals,”她说。. 

“We did change some things for this year to go online. 作为副总统, I feel that we needed to inspire and ensure hope in other officers of clubs and organizations. We are having great virtual events and student engagement,” 关闭 added. “I get excited about advocating for students, 与他们沟通, 让事情为他们工作.”


Megan 关闭 attend a 短期留学 program in Ireland in 2019.


Although 关闭 was born in New York and grew up in Texas, she always dreamed of attending Penn State because her parents met at the University. 在阿宾顿,她注册成为一名 艺术专业 专攻摄影.

“I started out photographing nature and landscapes, but over time I got into people and portrait photography. Ultimately, my dream job would be to work for National Geographic or Time magazine,”她说。.

Her passion for photography led her overseas. During 2019 spring break, 关闭 joined a group from 阿宾顿 for a 短期留学 爱尔兰的视觉艺术课程. 

"It was one of the best experiences of my entire life. The focus was place and recognizing place and what it means, how it resonates with an artist. I didn’t truly understand how beautiful a different culture was until I traveled to Ireland,克洛斯说.

目前, 关闭 is preparing for her senior capstone project as well as for the next steps in her life.

“Choosing 阿宾顿 as my college was probably the best thing I've ever done for my career. 这是一次不可思议的经历. All of these experiences have shaped my outlook on higher education and my outlook on life. I have a greater appreciation for so many things, 我觉得我可以把它应用到生活中,克洛斯说. 


JDB电子分校提供了一个负担得起的, accessible and high-impact education resulting in the success of a diverse student body. It is committed to student success through innovative approaches to 21st-century public higher education within a world-class research university. 有近3个,500名学生, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 is a residential campus that offers baccalaureate degrees in 22 majors, 本科研究, 施赖尔荣誉学院, 美国大学生体育协会第三组, 和更多的. 
